Energy plays a key role in all activities, namely in economic activities and their development. For a long time, it was thought that growth, progress and socio-economic development could be achieved through the strong growth in energy consumption. In the crisis of 1973, the need to reduce consumption led to strong constraints with negative consequences on development. It became necessary to review the growth models due to the high costs of energy bills.

It was learned to took to energy as a production factor, allowing to produce the same quantities while consuming less. The result was to separate the socioeconomic growth from the increased of energy consumption.

Economic growth and the life quality improvement are possible, recovering a fundamental development perspective for all humanity, without high costs or even the exhaustion of finite resources.

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There are no smart cities. There are intelligent people who know how to project.
Designing sustainable and efficient cities
The benefits from energy savings
The urban vision in the planning for a new “city”
Infrastructures design in new cities
Requirements for urban services management
The rational use of energy
The value of an Energy Plan