Energy certification is mandatory for trade and service building, public buildings and more. The energy consumption optimization plays a relevant role for their competitiveness and a important environmental gain. Through energy certification, we can characterize the installation and the main consuming equipment.  We identify the opportunities to reduce energy consumption by replacing equipment and by changing processes. Delab as a company that has its activities in the area of energy efficiency, was hired by Mundicenter to carry out a Energy Certification of two Shopping malls in its real estate park portfolio:

  • Oeiras Park Shopping Mall, with 157 stores distributed over 35 000 m2 of   gross leattable area.
  • Braga Parque Shopping Mall, with 180 stores, spread over 50 000 m2 of gross lettable area

Mudicenter, a campany from Alves Ribeiro Group that  operates in the real estate management and promotion sector, was responsible, in 1985, for the launch of the first large shopping center to be opened in Portugal, the Amoreiras Shopping Center.