Scope and Objectives of Energy Audits
Mandatory Energy Audits with the entry into force in May 2015 of Decree-Law 68-A/2015, which regulates energy efficiency matters and results from the transposition of Directive 2012/27/EU, of the European Parliament and the Council on energy efficiency.
This law establishes the obligation for companies other than Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)* to carry out energy audits, carried out independently by duly accredited technicians. These audits must be renewed at least every four years, considering the date of the last energy audit.
*Non-SMEs – Companies employing 250 or more people and whose annual turnover is equal to or greater than 50 million euros, or which are participated in more than 25% by a non-SME)
Registration Obligation
- Non-SME companies must register with the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG) and are given an identification code.
- Each non-SME undertaking shall make a single register, discriminating against all installations, buildings and fleets belonging to the same legal entity.
- Non-SMEs, should record their energy consumption every 4 years compared to previous years.
Energy Audit Requirements
The responsibility for complying with Decree-Law 68-A/2015 lies with the non-SME company that accounts for energy consumption and is the holder of its energy supply contracts, regardless of ownership of the facilities, buildings and fleet.
Energy audits should:
- Be based on measurable and traceable data on energy consumption;
- Contain data on all the company’s energy consumption;
- Detailed analysis of energy consumption profiles;
- Detailed and validated calculations of the proposed measures.
Particular Situations
They should also ensure that audits are carried out under Decree-Law 68-A/2015, companies with:
- Energy Intensive Consumer Facilities (CIE), subject to periodic energy audits provided for in Decree-Law 71/2008;
- Fleets subject to periodic audits by Normative Order 228/90;
- Buildings subject to periodic audits of the Energy Certification System, Decree-Law 118/2013, and these audits should be carried out, both in large centers and in small commercial buildings and services.
Failure to comply with consumer registration obligations and non-compliance with energy audit obligations will result in a fine being imposed, ranging from €2 500 to €44 000.